University of Wisconsin-Madison (WIS) Herbarium

Wisconsin Collections


Spiranthes ovalis Lindl. var. erostellata Catling

This is a Wisconsin Endangered species. Therefore percise location information is available only through a password gotten by contacting the WIS herbarium (608) 262-2792

HABITAT: Steep S to SW facing slope under large Quercus macrocarpa and Carya ovata; soil rocky with exposed limestone and chert. Assoc.: Carex pensylvanica, Anemone virginiana, Fragaria virginiana, Galium triflorum, Aster sagittifolius, Maianthemum canadense, Osmorhiza longistylis
few plants
COLLECTOR: Leach, Mark [K.] ; COLL.NO.: 2892
DATE: 9/20/94