Listera R. Brown
The Twayblade orchids
Listera auriculata
The genus Listera derives its name from
a seventeenth century naturalist, Martin Lister. The genus is primarily
northern temperate and boreal in distribution, with approximately 25 species
worldwide, three of which are found in Wisconsin. All of our species are
small and non-descript.
A. Column small and inconspicuous (about
0.5 mm); labellum deeply divided...cordata
AA. Column conspicuous (2-3.5 mm); labellum at most shallowly indented
- Labellum bearing conspicuous teeth (auricles) at the base; ovaries and
pedicels glabrous...auriculata
- Labellum lacking auricles; pedicels and ovaries glandular...convallarioides
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