Interactive Keys
By Jeffrey R. Hapeman
This is an interactive key to the native and naturalized
orchids of Wisconsin. The initial key is to the genera of orchids; by clicking
on these, you will link to the keys for the species. You may wish instead
to see the Orchids of Wisconsin arranged into a list
of genera.
Key to the Genera
A.Leaves absent (or apparently so) at flowering
B. Flowers many, in a spike or raceme
- Flower spike arising from a corm, flowers purplish white; leaves hibernal,
but remnants may be visible at flowering...Aplectrum
- Flower spike arising from a coralloid rhizome; plants leafless saprophytes...Corallorhiza
BB. Flower solitary
- Leaf thin, grasslike; may not be present at flowering time...Arethusa
AA.Leaves present at flowering
C. Lip (at least in part) saccate, pouched, cup-like, or slipper-shaped
D. Lip distinctly slipper-shaped, pouched
- Pouch of lip blunt, opening inrolled...Cypripedium
- Pouch bearing two spur-like projections at the distal end...Calypso
DD.Lip cup-like, saccate; not slipper-shaped
- Leaves basal, variously marked or scrawled with white lines. Flowers
small, white, clustered on a spike...Goodyera
- Stem leafy; flowers with a cup-like labellum, variously colored
with green, white and purple; lip bearing a fleshy projection...Epipactis
CC. Lip not saccate, pouched or slipper-like
E. Lip bearing a spur-like nectary
F. 1 or 2 basal leaves
G. Flowers white, pink, purple or some combination thereof
- Lip three-lobed, spotted or otherwise marked with purple; 1
basal leaf...Amerorchis
- Lip entire, white; flowers typically bicolored (sepals purplish);
two basal leaves...Galearis
GG.Flowers green or greenish-white
- Spur scrotiform, much shorter than the lip; flowers green...Coeloglossum
- Spur prolonged; clavate, obtuse or acuminate; typically equal
to or longer than lip...Platanthera (in
FF.Stem leafy, leaves 1 to many, not basal...Platanthera
(in part)
EE. Lacking a spur-like nectary
H.Flowers borne in racemes or corymbs
I.Leaves 1-2, variously ovate, elliptical or otherwise
broadened, but not linear or lanceolate; persistent (not fugacious)
J. Leaf one, appearing to arise from mid-stem, but actually
arising near ground and thereafter clasping; flowers small, green or greenish-white...Malaxis
JJ.. Leaves 2
II.Leaves 1 to many, linear or lanceolate; or if broadened, then
- Flower with lip uppermost, covered with pseudo-stamens (yellowish
papillae); flowers various shades of pink, rarely white...Calopogon
- Flowers numerous, small, white or cream; spike +/- spiraled;
stem leafy, leaves linear or lanceolate; or if broadened, basal and fugacious...Spiranthes
HH. Flowers 1 to several; borne at the end of a scape or in the axils
of the upper leaves
K. Flowers borne in axils of upper leaves...Triphora
KK.Flowers borne at the end of a scape
- Leaf grass-like, may be absent at flowering; arising from base
and clasping stem...Arethusa
- Leaf ovate, found midway up on stem...Pogonia
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of Wisconsin.